Monday, July 5, 2010

PDWAC - Bisnis Pucuk Daun Tebu

PDWC (Prima Desain Widya Adi Cipta ) Berencana untuk mendirikan Pabrik Pucuk Daun Tebu yang berbasis pada ekonomi kerakyatan , Untuk Masalah pasar saat ini tidak menjadi kendala, ada beberapa pasar yang dapat di masuki yaitu pasar Lokal dan Internasional.

Tenaga kerja yang dapat diserap pada proyek ini akan cukup besar , untuk operasional proyek aja dibutuhkan sekitar 8 orang , 4 orang untuk menjalankan mesin Press dan 4 orang lagi  untuk tenaga penjemuran , sedangkan di tingkat pengepul untuk memenuhi kebutuhan 100 ton/ bulan minimal dibutuhkan 40 orang tenaga kerja untuk mengumpulkan pucuk daun tebu per supplier , untuk proyek ini minimal dibutuhkan 4 supplier sehingga kebutuhan tenaga kerjanya minimal 160 orang yang akan terserap. 

PDWAC untuk mengembangkan pasar Internasional siap melayani Berbagai Permintaan kebutuhan Pucuk Daun Tebu khususnya pasar eropa  dan Jepang. untuk Produksi dapat di Diskusikan lebih Detail.

PDWAC juga melayani berbagai bentuk kerjasama yang tentunya menguntungkan kedua belah pihak , yang pasti Profit yang dihasilkan bagus dan tidak akan merugikan investor.

Untuk info lebih Detail Dapat menghubungi :
Bapak Taufan No. HP : 081335711762 atau Email :

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Deskripsi Daun Tebu

Tebu (bhs inggris : sugar cane) adalah tanaman yang ditanam untuk bahan baku gula. Tanaman ini hanya dapat tumbuh di daerah beriklim tropis. Tanaman ini termasuk jenis rumput-rumputan. Umur tanaman sejak ditanam sampai bisa dipanen mencapai kurang lebih 1 tahun. Di Indonesia tebu banyak dibudidayakan di pulau Jawa dan Sumatra.
Untuk pembuatan gula, batang tebu yang sudah dipanen diperas dengan mesin pemeras (mesin press) di pabrik gula. Sesudah itu, nira atau air perasan tebu tersebut disaring, dimasak, dan diputihkan sehingga menjadi gula pasir yang kita kenal. Dari proses pembuatan tebu tersebut akan dihasilkan gula 5%, ampas tebu 90% dan sisanya berupa tetes (molasse) dan air.
Daun tebu yang kering (dalam bahasa Jawa, dadhok) adalah biomassa yang mempunyai nilai kalori cukup tinggi. Ibu-ibu di pedesaan sering memakai dadhok itu sebagai bahan bakar untuk memasak; selain menghemat minyak tanah yang makin mahal, bahan bakar ini juga cepat panas.
Dalam konversi energi pabrik gula, daun tebu dan juga ampas batang tebu digunakan untuk bahan bakar boiler, yang uapnya digunakan untuk proses produksi dan pembangkit listrik.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

lagu the potter's-AW AW

Sunday, June 27, 2010

A quick way to sell you products online

They examined the secret to sell 900 items from the physical cost of marketing an online tight?

You will learn:
  1. What are the secrets of a product or service markets in Indonesia and all the world with the sale or cheaper or nor
  2. How fast-selling products from 24 Hours
  3. How your Business Quick name and Back Own Web Without Must Have Started from zero IT Membership
You learn from success stories GmSusanto where it's 900 successful product of physical objects has been sold online is less than 2.5 months.

And what an interesting solution of the above?
  1. GmSusanto and share the road, as a strategy to buy 1 million seed money, products, in both through sales to 50 million / Month How? You want to know?
  2. turnover can be started, he ad tens of millions of small, and the third week, is not affected output and receiver input of the second month campaign, (fifth week), etc. I can not sacrifice all the marketing and business system is run without the presence of me. You are angry, and would like to know how could I do? I guarantee you, after all the effort seems to you online.
  3. What is the secret GmSusanto select products and to mount the offer to people? One day, employees rata2 40-60 GmSusanto SMS package customers who want to buy, but often run out of product
  4. What can a GmSusanto all the burden of production as quickly as possible and a minimum pressure for profits?
  5. GmSusanto What makes the system easily, so he controlled the company which

This chapter aims GmSusanto part in "business mode" that he will also learn how the product, even if sales of 50 million / month stabbing, but not worthy of your important work.

Many strategies that I see only a topic above.

It is your opportunity to get additional revenue outside of the main jobs of your product alsoly Internet.

I'll be here as soon as click

Monday, June 21, 2010

Three Attributes Shared by Online Affiliate Programs That Work

If you have decided that Affiliate Marketing is the right personal direction to go for making an online income, it is time to start the tricky process of finding the best program. Not all companies are the same, and if you choose an unprofitable product to promote, you risk losing time and money. There are three common positive characteristics shared by all of the top-quality Affiliate Programs. Utilize this information to make an informed decision.

A great product
Sales numbers always correspond to the quality of the product or service being offered. You want to find a reasonably priced product that retails for under $100 in an effort to convert a high number of sales. Also, be on the lookout for informational products and services that solve a common problem because these items sell well. The more widespread appeal the product has, the larger the market is.

Support and marketing help
Running a successful Affiliate Marketing business involves making the best use of your time. For this reason, it will save many hours if you put your energy into an Affiliate Program that provides free marketing materials. The time saved by not having to create this content can be utilized tending to other tasks. It also helps if the Affiliate Program you are considering offers personal support and specialized training. The best companies have invested money and effort into ensuring that their Affiliates reach the financial goals that they have set forth.

A seamless sales process
Because effective Affiliate Marketing involves driving people to an Affiliate Web site, it is critically important that the program does a good job of closing the deal after your work is done. It is painful to drive a bunch of traffic to your site only to see very few conversions. The best companies have very convincing Web content that is integrated into an automated Affiliate-tracking system. If the ad copy does a good job of convincing you to make a purchase, the program is worth serious consideration.


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